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Data pickers

In WeWeb, you can access 3 date picker elements in the Add panel:

  • the date and time picker,
  • the date range picker, and
  • the time picker.

Date pickers in the WeWeb Add panel

Under the hood, these are in fact the same element with different Selection Mode and Time Mode presets but more on that later...

For now, let's focus on how it works out of the box.

Component variable

The first thing to understand is that, when you drag-and-drop a date or time picker element on the page, a new component variable will be created in the Navigator:

Datetime picker component variable

If you change the Time > Mode to Date instead of the default Datetime, the variable will only include the date with no time information:

Date picker component variable

If you change the Selection > Mode to Range, the component variable will include a start and end date:

Date range picker component variable

If you change the Selection Mode to Multi dates, the component variable will include

Multiple date picker component variable


Make sure to send the date in a format your backend understands. For example, if your backend expects a list of dates, send the selected date(s) in an array, even if the user only selected one date.

Styling the date picker

Let's have a look at the different no-code styling options that come with the date picker elements.


This setting will change the default language of the calendar.

If you select Page lang, the language of the calendar will take the current language of the page.

In the example below, we are working with three languages and we can see the language of the calendar changes based on the page language:

Date picker language


The Format setting allows you to change how the date is displayed on the page.

The value of the component variable will remain unchanged but the date will be displayed to the user as you choose.

In the example below, we chose a format to display the full month name in letters. Instead of displaying Jan 5,2025, we display January 5, 2025:

Date display format


The Display options allow to change a little bit how the date picker is displayed.

In the example below, we decided to keep the Menu position centered and display a Left sidebar in which we added a Rich text element to display a text:

Date picker display styles

Style and Colors

The Style and Color properties are fairly intuitive.

Here, we made the cells of the calendar bigger by changing the Cell size from the default 35px to 50px and changed the background color from the standard blue to a nice green:

Date picker style and colors

Other CSS properties

The other CSS properties available in no-code for the date pickers are standard (e.g. Sizing, Spacing, Display, etc.)

You can find more about each property in the article dedicated to standard CSS properties.


If you're noticing you're having trouble selecting the date picker element, consider selecting it from the HTML tree in the Navigator or on the page by selecting the date picker icon in the top left of the element: Date picker selection tip

Let's now dig into the customization options available with the date picker elements.

Single, multiple, or range date picker

As mentioned above, the date and time picker elements in WeWeb are all the same under the hood with different default settings. The first setting that changes from one type of picker to the other is its Mode.

In the specific settings of the date pickers, you can switch between one of three modes:

  • Single: users will be able to select a single date. The variable value will be a date string.
  • Range: users will be able to select a range of dates. The variable value will be an object with a start and end date
  • Multi dates: users will be able to select multiple dates. The variable value will be an array with a list of date strings.

Single mode

The one thing you might want to set in Single mode is the initial value (Init value) of the date picker. In the example below, we used a no-code formula to select the current date by default:

Init value in Single mode

Range mode

The range mode works similarly except it expects a start and end date:

Init value in Range mode

There are three Range mode options:

  • Free: the user can select whatever date ranges they want
  • Auto: the user selects the start date and you define how many days after the range ends with the Auto range day input
  • Min Max: the user can select the range they like provided its above and below the numbers you define

In the example below, we want users to book more than 2 but no more than 7 nights:

Min max in Range mode

Multi dates mode

The Multi dates selection mode expects an array of dates as an initial value.

In the example below, we enabled the option to select multiple dates (Multi dates), selected 2 dates by default (Init value), and limited the number of dates a user can select at one time (Multi date limits). As a result, we can see two dates are highlighted by default and the component variable is an array of strings:

Multi dates example

Behavior settings

Auto apply: disable if you want the user to confirm the selection before closing the calendar

Close on auto apply: disable if you want the calendar to stay open even after user has selected the date

Close on page scroll: enable if you want the calendar to close automatically when the user scrolls out of view

Time settings

The Time settings define the type of range will be able to select. One way to look at it is through the value that is updated in the component variable of the date picker element:

  • in Datetime mode, the variable returns a date with year, month, date, and time. For example, "2025-01-06T23:00:00.000Z"
  • in Date mode, the variable returns a date without the time. For example, "2025-01-10"
  • in Time mode, the variable returns an hour, minute, and seconds. For example, "19:28:00"
  • in Month mode, the variable returns a year and month. For example, "2025-01"
  • in Year mode, the variable returns a year. For example, "2025"


In code, dates are strings. That's why the date values are displayed in between quotation marks.

Dates settings

Start date: the date on which the date picker will open

Min date: users can't select a date before that

Max date: users can't select a date after that

Advanced date navigation settings

Prevent min/max navigation: users can't navigate before the Min date and after the Max date

Allowed dates: users will only be able to select among these dates. Expects a list of dates. For example, ["2023-03-25","2023-04-01","2023-04-12"]

Disabled dates: users will not be able to select these dates. Expects a list of dates. For example, ["2023-03-25","2023-04-01","2023-04-12"]

Disabled week days: users will not be able to select dates that fall on specific week days. Expects an array of numbers where 0 stands for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc. For example, [1, 4] to disable Mondays and Thursdays.

Dynamically disabled week days

If you don't need to decide which days to disable dynamically, you could use the Add button instead of binding to hard-code the disabled week days:

Disabled week days


The Allowed dates, Disabled dates, and Disabled week days settings expect a list of dates. For example: ["2024-06-04", "2024-06-20"]

Allowed dates example

If your intention is for only one date to be available, you will still need to “wrap it” inside an array. For example: ["2024-06-04"]

Weeks / Months settings

Week start: define which day the weeks start on

Week numbers: choose if you want to display week numbers

Hide offset dates: hide the last days from the previous and first days from the next month

Disable month/year select: hide the calendar navigation


The Flow is the order in which users will be invited to pick a date and/or time.

By default, when the user clicks on a date picker element, they see a monthly calendar which they can navigate in. Depending on your use case, this can be a bit cumbersome.

To change this UX, you can enable the Flow setting and fully control how the user will interact with the date picker.

In the example below, we configured the date picker flow so the user would be invited to choose a year and month before selecting the correct day in the calendar:


This type of UX can be helpful when there's a good chance the date that is picked is a few years back. When you ask for someone's birthday for example, asking them to navigate year after year after year can be cumbersome.

PS: This tip is not at all influenced by the age of the person typing this ^^