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Branching allows you to create conditional logic flows in your workflows. At their core, these actions evaluate a condition you define - a value or formula that returns either true or false. The condition can compare values, check variables, or use any valid dynamic expression from your application. There are two types of branching:

  • True/False split
  • Multi-option split

True/False split

True/False split action added to workflow

Splits the workflow into two paths based on a condition:

  • If condition is true, executes the "True" branch
  • If condition is false, executes the "False" branch

Multi-option split

The Multi-option split action lets you create multiple conditional paths in your workflow. Each path can handle different scenarios with their own set of actions.


  • Default branch: optional fallback if no conditions match
  • Branches: add multiple conditions and their corresponding actions

Example: error handling

Here's how you can use it to handle different error types by changing a variable based on the condition:

Multi-optio split example

├── When: invalid email
│     └── Then: Set specific error message
├── When: duplicate entry
│     └── Then: Set duplicate error message
└── Default Case:
      └── Set generic error message


Multi-option split is incredibly flexible - you can add as many branches as your logic requires. Use the zoom controls located at the bottom of the editor to manage visibility when building complex workflows with multiple branches. This makes it perfect for creating sophisticated decision trees and handling multiple scenarios in your application.