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Share libraries

In WeWeb, you can share a project library to your entire workspace

When you do this, other projects in said workspace will be able to work with the same UI toolkit:

Libraries available in a WeWeb project

A common use case for this is when you are building multiple projects for a company that requires you to follow strict brand guidelines.

Share a library

To share a library with the rest of your workspace, you will need to:

  1. open the project where you built the library you want to share
  2. go to Libraries and click on Share to workspace
  3. name your commit

Share a WeWeb library to your workspace

Add a shared library

In Libraries > My libraries, you can see Available libraries.

These are libraries from other projects in the workspace that have been shared to the workspace.

To start using one of these libraries in your project, select it and click on Add library:

Share a WeWeb library to your workspace

This will move the library up to the Added section of the panel.


If you wish to work with a library in the Not shared section of the My libraries panel, you will first need to open that project, go to Libraries and click on Share to workspace as described in the "Share a library" section above.

Remove a library

To remove an external library that you added to a project, go to Libraries > My libraries.

In the Added libraries section, select the library you want to remove, open the three dot options menu, and click on Remove from project:

Remove added library from project

Update a shared library

Whether you are sharing a library with others or working with an external library others shared with you, you will want to make changes and updates at some point.

There are three steps to updating a shared library:

  1. make the changes in the library
  2. publish those changes so they are available to other projects in the workspace
  3. update the library in the projects that use it

1. Make changes to a shared library

To make changes to a shared library, simply go to that projects and make all the changes you want.

For example, you could edit a typography, add or delete spacings, templates, or components.

2. Publish changes of a shared library

Once you are ready to commit those changes to make them available to other projects in the workspace, you can click on Publish changes, fill out the form, and complete the publish :

Publish changes made to a shared library


Try to be descriptive when adding a commit message to library updates.

This will help users of your library understand what's new and how a library update might affect their projects.

3. Update the library in the projects that use it

Once the changes to a library have been shared to the workspace, you will see a notification in the projects that use it.

When you're ready, you can go to Libraries > My libraries, and update the relevant library:

Publish changes made to a shared library

Use library versions

At times, you may want to rollback or rollforward to different versions of a shared library.

You can do this by going to Libraries > My libraries > three dot options > Change version:

Choose the version of a shared library you want to use