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Add plugin

Go to Plugins > Extensions, search for the Calendly plugin and add it to your project:

Calendly plugin in WeWeb

Add element

To add a Calendly embed element on a WeWeb page, click on the Add Calendly components button at plugin level:

Add component button

Or open the Add panel and click on Calendly in the Plugins section:

Calendly element in Add menu

Display calendar

To display a Calendly calendar:

  1. click on the Calendly embed element on your page,
  2. go to the element's settings tab, and
  3. paste the URL of the Calendly calendar you wish to display.

Display Calendly calendar on a WeWeb page

Pre-fill options

When the Pre-fill options setting is On, you can provide the name and email that will be pre-filled on the details page of your Calendly booking form:

Calendly pre-fill options