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Add plugin

To start working with npm packages in your project, go to Plugins > Extensions:

NPM plugin

This plugin will allow you to load popular utility libraries from npm and utilize them directly in the editor.

Plugin limitations

Any type of npm package can be installed, as long as it:

  • is available on, and
  • is packed in a UMD file,
  • adds an instance to the window, and
  • correctly instructs unpkg about what file to serve.

However, it's crucial to understand that not all loaded packages will be functional.

For the loaded library to be usable, it must be registered in the window. This import method is unique to each library, even though most libraries utilize this method.

After adding a library, you must specify the name of the instance it exposes. This allows weweb to establish a connection and incorporate it into the no-code interface.

In the example provided, the xlsx (or SheetJS) library can be accessed through the XLSX instance (in uppercase):

NPM example

Most of the time, you'll find the instance name in the library documentation.

E.g. parse a CSV

Code snippets

If you'd like to reproduce the exact same use case, here are the code snippets we used:

users collection

return [
  { user: "jane", age: 28, active: true },
  { user: "barney", age: 25, active: true },
  { user: "fred", age: 40, active: false },

csv variable

Country,Population (Millions),Area (Square Kilometers)
United States,331.4,9,525,067
United Kingdom,67.1,242,495

E.g. generate a QR code

In this video, Ray Deck of StateChange uses WeWeb's NPM plugin to build a QR code generator: