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Supabase authentication


The video above was recorded before the latest WeWeb UI update but the logic remains the same. If you're unsure where to find something in the new interface of the WeWeb editor, you can see what changed here.

Plugin configuration

Supabase comes with an in-built authentication system which you can use in WeWeb.

To add the Supabase Auth Plugin in WeWeb, go to Plugins > Authentication:

Supabase authentication plugin

Assuming you have already provided your Supabase project URL and public API key when setting up the Supabase Data source, the only thing left to do will be to add your private API key:

Supabase auth plugin configuration

In Supabase, you can find your private API key in Settings > API:

Project private key in Supabase


As the name suggests, you'll want to keep this API key secret. Assuming you copy it properly in the Private API key field of the Supabase Auth Plugin and don't use it anywhere else in your WeWeb project, WeWeb will never make it public.

You will then be invited to choose a page to redirect unauthenticated users, i.e. users who are NOT signed-in:

Redirect unauthenticated users


Make sure you redirect unauthenticated users to a public page. If you redirect unauthenticated users to a page that is only accessible to authenticated users, you'll be creating an infinite loop and your app will crash.

Sign up and log in flows


By default, Supabase restricts auth emails to your organization's members only. To enable sign-up functionality for all users, you must set up a custom SMTP provider in your Supabase project. Without this setup, new users outside your organization will not be able to sign up or receive auth-related emails.

Supabase dashboard warning users to set up a custom SMTP server

Once you have added the Supabase Auth plugin to your WeWeb project, you will get access to:

  • dedicated Supabase Auth actions in workflows, and
  • dedicated UI elements in the Add menu.

In the example below, you can see we added the Login UI element related to the Supabase Auth plugin:

Supabase Auth UI elements

That UI element comes with a predefined workflow using the Login with email action but you have access to many more:

Supabase Auth workflow action


If you choose to design your own forms, remember to place the workflow on the form container and trigger it On submit if you want to validate the fields of the form when users submit it (as opped to triggering the workflow On click of a button).

Sign up workflow

In the example below, we added a workflow on a sign up form, chose the On submit trigger, and added the Supabase Sign up action:

Supabase Auth sign up action

Then, we mapped the email, password, and metadata information in the form to the email, password, and metadata in Supabase before choosing what page the new user should be redirected to:

Supabase Auth sign up values

In the example above, we made sure to add the user's name as an item in that user's metadata.

In Supabase, you can find the user's metadata in JSON format in a dedicated field of the users table, named raw_user_meta_data:

Supabase user metadata

The same logic will apply to any Supabase action you want to trigger.

Reset password flow

You'll need three things to allow users to reset their passwords:

  1. a WeWeb page where users type in their email address and submit a password reset request
  2. the URL of your website and an email template properly configured in Supabase
  3. a WeWeb page where users are redirected when they click on the link in the email sent by Supabase

1. Forgot password page

In WeWeb, you'll need to create a page where users can make a request to reset their password.

That page needs to include:

  • an email input field, and
  • a workflow with the Supabase Auth Forgot password action.

You can design your own custom page or simply use the Reset password UI element that comes with the Supabase Auth plugin:

Supabase reset password UI element

In the example below, we trigger a Forgot password action on form submit, tell Supabase where it should send the reset password email, and say we want the user to be redirected to the Choose new password page when they click on the link in that email:

Supabase forgot password action

2. Supabase configuration to send password reset email

In Supabase, you'll need to add the URL of your live app by going to Authentication > URL Configuration:

Supabase URL configuration

In the example above, we added the URL of our project in the WeWeb Editor because we are still building the app but we would change it to the URL of our staging website or live website as we progressed through the building and publishing process.


The URL should not reference a specific page.

You can personalize the email Supabase sends by going to Authentication > Email Templates > Reset password:

Supabase forgot password email template


The {{ .ConfirmationURL }} variable in the email template will automatically refer to the page you chose to redirect users in step 1. Do NOT modify it.


If you are not receiving the reset password email as expected:

  • check if the the email was sent to your spam folder
  • experiment with and without a / at the end of the URL
  • check that the URL corresponds to the environment you made the reset password request in (e.g. the WeWeb editor, the staging URL ending with, or the live app)
  • if testing with the WeWeb Editor URL, make sure to include only the first part of the URL. Do not include the page id after the second /

3. Confirm password page

Back in WeWeb, you will need to create a page where users can type in and submit their new password.

You can design your own custom page or use the Change password UI element that comes with the Supabase Auth plugin.

In the example below, we triggered a workflow on a form submission and:

  • check if the two password input values are identical
  • if they're not, we display an error message
  • if they are, we use the Confirm password action to send the new password to Supabase

Supabase confirm password action

OAuth with providers

When using Supabase for authentication, sign up and login with an email address is enabled by default but you can also enable other methods of authentication, including but not limited to Google OAuth, Azure, GitHub, LinkedIn, and Slack:

Login with providers in Supabase

Each provider will have their own configuration steps which you'll need to work out using their documentation.

Broadly speaking, it will look something like this:

In the provider's interface

  • create the project
  • add authorized domains
  • create OAuth credentials
  • define redirect URLs

In Supabase

  • save the OAuth credentials of the provider
  • add the base URL of your website
  • define one or more URLs where users can be redirected after logging in

In WeWeb

  • trigger a workflow with the Login with provider action
  • select what provider's consent screen you want to display
  • select which page users should be redirected to after they successfully log in


When you use the Login with provider action with the Supabase Auth plugin, it's important to redirect to a public page to read the cookie from the external provider with the user information. This will allow you to then move on to a private page without any errors.

This is not WeWeb or Supabase specific, it's part of a standard OAuth flow:

Standard OAuth flow

Update user metadata

In the default users table of a Supabase project, you can add user metadata in the raw_user_meta_data column which expects a JSON.

To pass user metadata from WeWeb to Supabase, you have two options.

1- select a key in the Metadata dropdown when using the Sign Up or Update User Metadata action in a workflow

Update user metadata action

2- bind the Metadata field to update Supabase with custom metadata.

This fields expects an array of objects where, for each object, you explicitly say this is my key and this is the corresponding value for this item. For example:

Update user metadata action with custom key values in no-code

In the example above, we used a no-code formula to create the array of objects but, if you're used to the syntax, it can be easier to write in JavaScript:

Update user metadata action with custom key values in no-code

Here's a code snippet you might find helpful to avoid typos:

return [
    {"key":"favorite_joke", "value":"something about an elephant"},
    {"key":"favorite_chocolate", "value":"dark"}


You will not be able to update the user metadata of users who are logging in through a third-party provider because their metadata is related to the OAuth provider they are authenticated with.

If you wish to request further information from these users, we recommend creating a profiles table in the public schema of your Supabase project that is synced to your users table.

Learn more about working with user profiles in Supabase.

User roles & permissions

Now let's say we want to gate content and set different permissions based on a user's role. We will need to:

  1. create a roles table in Supabase with the list of available roles
  2. create a join table in Supabase that maps the users with a role
  3. tell the Supabase Auth plugin in WeWeb where it can find the information

1. Add roles in Supabase

In Supabase, we'll need to create a roles table with a list of roles and a join table that links the roles table with our users table.

First, let's create a roles table with three roles and make sure that each role had a UUID and a name:

Roles table in Supabase


In order for the integration to work with the Users tab in WeWeb, it is crucial that the role title is a text field named name.

2. Join roles and users in Supabase

Second, let's create a userRoles join table:

Join table with user roles in Supabase

In the join table above, you can see we have an id field that is uniquely identifiable thanks to a UUID.

This unique id is linked to a userId, which is also a UUID. More specifically, it is the UUID we find in the id field of the users table in the auth schema:

User UUID in Supabase

Each row in our userRoles table is also linked to a roleId which is the UUID we find in the id field of the roles table in the public schema:

Roles UUID in Supabase

Once we've added our list of roles in Supabase and created an empty join table to link our roles with users, it's time to go to WeWeb.

In Plugins > Supabase Auth > 3. Roles table, we'll click refresh and select the relevant Supabase tables we just created:

Configure roles tables in WeWeb

Once you've told WeWeb where to find the roles and the join table in Supabase, you'll be able to easily view and maintain user roles in the Users tab in WeWeb:

User role management in WeWeb

When you make a change to a user in WeWeb, it will automatically be updated in Supabase.

Users vs Profiles

So far, we've showed you how to work with the default users table that Supabase generates in the auth schema when you create a new project.

Note that, for security purposes,  the information in that users table is not exposed on the auto-generated API.

How does this affect your project in WeWeb?

Let users update their information

Let's say you want to let authenticated users update their own information, then you don't need to set up anything else in Supabase.

You could simply create a user profile page in WeWeb and display their information when they sign in, based on the data you have in the user variable:

Authenticated user variable in WeWeb

Display other users' information

In some use cases, you might want to display other users' information.

For example, if you're building an HR portal in WeWeb, you might want HR employees to have access to a list of applicants and their user profiles.

You wouldn't be able to do that with the users table in the auth schema because each user's information is only available to them.

For such a use case, Supabase recommends creating a profiles table in the public schema to store user data that you want to access via the API.

In WeWeb, you would then be able to create a Collection to get data from the profiles table.

Learn more about managing user data in Supabase: