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Easily add an image to your website by choosing one from WeWeb's local storage or linking to an online source.


Configuring the Image

Styling Options:

  • Image Link: Choose where your image comes from—either a local path or a URL from the web.
  • Fit: Decide how your image fits within its container:
    • Fill: Stretches the image to fill the space.
    • Cover: Scales the image to cover the container while maintaining aspect ratio.
    • Contain: Ensures the entire image is visible, fitting within the container.
  • Overlay: Add a color overlay to your image for a unique effect. Possible options include solid colors, gradients, or patterns.
  • Filters: Apply various filters to enhance your image's appearance, such as brightness, contrast, and grayscale.

Configuration Settings:

  • Alt Text: Provide alternative text that appears if the image fails to load.
  • Loading: Choose how your image loads:
    • Lazy: Loads the image only when it enters the viewport.
    • Eager: Loads the image as soon as possible.
