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A video element lets you showcase a video that you've uploaded to our database. You have plenty of options to tweak how your video is displayed.


Configuring the Video

Property NameDescription
FileThis is the local path to your video file uploaded on WeWeb. Just make sure the file size fits within the storage space of your pricing plan.
Preview ImageThis is the thumbnail that appears before your video starts playing.
Start TimeSet the time (in seconds) where you want your video to begin. By default, it starts at 0.
AutoplayTurn this on if you want the video to play automatically when the component loads.
MutedToggle this to keep the video muted by default.
LoopEnable this if you want the video to start over once it finishes.
ControlsDecide whether to show or hide video controls like the play button and volume.
PreloadChoose whether the video should load during page load or only when it starts playing.
